Tag Archives: trees

Symbolic Journey

I am in the middle of a forest during autumn. In this forest the trees are tall and the colors of the leaves vary from green to yellow to orange or… nothing at all. The sound of the leaves beneath me, as dark as stained oak, crunch with my every step. As I take a deep breath, I smell a peculiar warmth in the air that compliments the environment around me. I look around and I find myself surrounded by trees, all which have been touched by autumn. There is a small hill to my left made up of soil with small grass hairs popping out. i hear the sound of birds calling out in the distance. I feel the total isolation as I look back and see no clear path from which I came from. The bark of the trees are a white birch. The sun shines through the cracks between the leaves above me.

I see a brown grizzly bear and I immediately freeze, anxious to see what the bear has in mind. It is a fair distance away, however I run back to the hill of dirt to my left as a precaution. I stay there, taking quick glances at the bear ahead of me. The bear does not see me.

I find a key on the ground. The key looks like the key for my uncle’s room/ where I stayed in Pakistan. I examine the key. It is a bronze color. It is in good condition as well. It feels a little rough from the edges but nothing too short from unscathed. I instinctively put it in my pocket. I notice that the sun has gone down as I do not see the thin rays of light coming down through the spaces between the leaves. it seems rather cloudy. The sound of birds become more faint but are still discernible.

Off in the distance I see something shining. Water. As I come closer I see a small stream of clear water flowing in 3 different directions. One towards myself, one to my right, and one going straight ahead. It is carrying the many fallen yellow and red leaves on the ground from the trees around me, however the leaves are all drifting in the direction coming towards me. The stream runs down towards my right foot and the leaves along with it, piling on top of one another at the tip of my shoe.

I suddenly see a white styrofoam cup sitting with the bottom up. I think nothing of the cup, however I am starting to wonder where these objects of interests have come from.  I pick it up and look inside. It is a small hole driven through the bottom of the cup. I put it back exactly where I found it, on the ground with the bottom up.

All of a sudden I see a light. With my curiosity taking over, I decide to follow it. As I walk towards the light, I end up outside of the forest with my gazed locked upon a vast field of grass. There are no trees. No sound. No birds. No breeze. I start to feel lighter. In the sky, I see many clouds and a light blue sky. The grass, however, is moving ever so slightly as if the wind was blowing against it. But there is nothing. The sky and clouds were static. The rolling grass was illogical. As far as I could see, there was no end to this grassy flatland. I felt as if I was in a box where windows were my keepers.

In the corner of my eye I see a house or building type structure. The walls of this building were a sleek navy blue and were in the shape of a jagged crown. Their appears to be no windows or doors. As I examine this building closer, I notice it is made up of tiles. It feels fresh glass. There are no distinct smells or sounds…

As I look further, there is a grey door that appears to be an entrance. Curiosity must not get the best of me so I must stay strong. Or am I just stubborn? Either way I will not enter.
