Generations Wasted


We are the ones we have been looking for.

I have thought about this statement for years now. Because of this, each and every day I feel I must do something great. I have to be able to leave a footprint on Earth and most of all, I must be able to change this world somehow. We can never change the past and time will not wait for us. We must be able to make the right choices and take the right paths at the correct time in order to achieve the best possible outcome. One small decision can completely alter one’s destiny and that is what I am most afraid of. We as humans have the power to completely change someones life with every single decision we make. Each and every step counts. For this reason, I hate chance. Chance is pure evil. The problem is that we can never avoid it. Everything we do in life is essentially us taking a chance. Whether it’s going out for a stroll or riding a bike or even going to your freezer to get some ice cream. You are always taking chances.

Now reflect upon your life. Think about every decision you have made. Whether it is small or large. Now think about what would have happened if you said something else or did something different. Could you imagine how different things would be? Do you now realize the significance of your choices? It is honestly quite frightening once you really delve deep into your memories. The chance that you could very well be doing something different right now instead of reading this. The chance that I could be somewhere else instead of writing this. It all comes down to chance. While it may be frightening, it is also very fascinating at the same time. Your chances determine your fortunes.

Let’s get to the point. I have exhausted the fact that everything we do in life formulates our path to the future. The reason I am sharing this is because I feel we should stop looking for the hero that will change the world. We as humans imagine this ideal “hero” to have made perfect choices. Why can we not be this hero? Why must we wait for this individual to bless us? Generations after generations, we have complained about numerous things in this world whether it be global warming, over use of fossil fuels, currency rates, or any other diplomatic situation. The choices we make in life now at this moment count and we must choose wisely. We must be the ones we have been looking for and we must not have any regrets.

However, this is where chance comes in to play. If there is ANYTHING that will truly destroy humanity, it is taking chances.

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