The Interview. No, not the one with Seth Rogen

I decided to interview my cousin who also lives here in Calgary. I felt that it would be a crime to not know someone that is related to me who also lives relatively close. We have gotten closer because of this interview and the questions I asked so I recommend anyone out there, that wants to get to know someone, to try and use some of my questions. Also remember to talk to them with blurred eyes. Take what you will from that.


Q: Who are your heroes?

A: Heroes as in people I look up to? Well one of them would be Batman. Sure he’s a fictional character but he really shows a lot of qualities that a leader would posses. Courage, strength, dignity just to name a few. In my opinion he surpasses a lot of “leaders” in today’s society even though he doesn’t exist.

Q: Where did you go to school?

A: Well i’m still going to school.. but I go to Connect Charter School

Q: What are your parents like?

A: As you can probably guess, they’re pretty strict and only care about my grades! I’m sure you can relate to this. They also didn’t let me go to my friends halloween party so that was just great.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?

A: Probably go on vacation for the rest of my life. But really I would buy a few cars, some houses, and a lot of food.

Q: Was there anything that you had to overcome as a child?

A: Well I was afraid of the dark for the longest time and up until when I was 9 I thought I had permanent nyctophobia. My parents eventually got really fed up and forced me to face my fears and well I did it.

Q: If you could choose one superhero power, what would it be, and why?

A: Hmm… you know what, I think I’d like to be invisible. I could get away with pretty much ANYTHING if I was invisible. That being said, I would want anything I touch to become invisible as well. Could you imagine the things I could pull off?

Q: What sort of travels have you had?

A: I’ve been to multiple places in the US although I can only remember a few off the top of my head like Boston, New York, Anaheim, and Las Vegas. I have also been to Pakistan multiple times as most of my relatives live there. Other than those places I haven’t really been anywhere else.

Q: If you were an animal, what would you be, and why?

A: Ugh a tough one. I think I would be an eagle. An eagle specifically because not only can it fly but also because an eagle symbolizes strength and courage or whatever and I think that’s pretty cool. Being better than everyone AND being able to fly. What more do you want?

Q: Have you ever had any pets? If so, can you describe them? 

A: I’ve had 2 goldfishes once. They didn’t last very long and they were expensive. At first I really wanted them and I really wanted a pet to keep but eventually my hype died and in turn, so did the fishes. Not that I deliberately killed them or anything its just that they happened to die right when I didn’t care anymore.

Q: What has been your most terrifying moment?

A: It was in a haunted house in Universal Studios. First and foremost i’m pretty easy to scare so I wasn’t really going in with much hope. I was walking along a dark and narrow passage and then suddenly a guy with a chainsaw appears at the end of the passage. The worst part was that it seemed like a real live chainsaw. He was at the end of the passage and there was no way of getting out. They sealed the doors behind us and the only way to go was straight ahead. I screamed so loud when he came right at us. Suddenly he disappeared right when my heart was about to give way. Say what you want but that was pretty damn scary, for me at least.


Interview with Jeff Hussey CEO of Tempered Networks

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